Features and Benefits
- GreasePak is a stylish, discreet and easy-to-clean, self-contained wall-mounted dosing unit that takes up no floor space and is very simple to install and operate.
- Designed to address the drainage problems found in commercial kitchens. The GreasePak module doses the drain with a blend of specially selected microorganisms that have been chosen for their ability to degrade fats, oils and grease (FOGs) in low oxygen conditions (such as closed drains) and where pH levels fluctuate.
- Eco-friendly, uses no harsh chemicals
- Can work on its own or in conjunction with a grease trap
- Helps to prevent drains from smelling.
- GreasePak bio-fluid is an environmentally friendly Class 1 biodegradable product that degrades FOGs into smaller, simpler molecules that cannot reform or solidify. These degraded products are then further digested by the bacterial population or are quickly washed away.
- Simple design, few working parts -trouble free!
- Bio-fluid refills are easy to store, handle and change
- Choice of long-life, battery operated unit or mains-powered
- A cost effective and efficient solution
- Helps satisfy legislation and building regulations by providing an effective means of grease removal
- Only bioremediation system to be BBA-approved.