Alecta’s Task
Care South approached us to change the way hot water was being moved around their home by moving from boiling kettles to the provision of hot water boilers creating better health and safety for both staff and residents.
Alecta’s Solution
On different floors, the home staff were either using kettles or transporting large volumes of hot/boiling water from the kitchen to the cafeterias. By surveying the cafeterias on each floor, we ascertained the best position for a hot water boiler and also how to get services to it, if not already local.
Being a care home, the best safest option was to use a boiler with a pin code so only staff could operate it. We chose a Lincat unit that offered all the options that the care home required and made sure staff on each floor knew the pin code to use it.
Alecta not only supplied the equipment but also ran the new services to them, taking into account the smallest of details.
If you would like to discuss your kitchen project, call Alecta Technical Solutions or email ku.oc1737506113.laci1737506113nhcet1737506113atcel1737506113a@sei1737506113riuqn1737506113e1737506113