Alecta’s Task
Following on from our successful installation at Stewarts Abbey Garden Centre. Stewarts asked us to help redesign their Broomhill site’s kitchen, front of house servery and pick up points following the new government guidelines on table service, upon reopening after COVID restrictions.
Alecta’s Solution
Working closely with the client, we removed the existing servery area, walls and gave that space to the kitchen, with a new kitchen design to create a better flow to maximise productivity with their new way of working.
Once the kitchen was redesigned, a new servery/display/pick up point was created, which included two coffee machine stations and a large chilled drop in for a cake display, creating a larger restaurant for maximising covers.
Working closely with the client main contractor and M&E (Mechanical and Electrical) contractor, we overcame many logistical challenges providing services for the new and relocated equipment in both Front of House and kitchen areas.
Stewarts Garden Centre coffee shop at Broomhill is now fully open with a new warm, friendly seating area and a new but familiar menu for old and new customers alike.
If you would like to discuss your kitchen project, call Alecta Technical Solutions or email ku.oc1739467970.laci1739467970nhcet1739467970atcel1739467970a@sei1739467970riuqn1739467970e1739467970